fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify
Just compare your results with the results given below to check whether TRIM Support is enabled or not.
DisableDeleteNotify = 1 = TRIM support disabled

DisableDeleteNotify = 0 = TRIM support enabled

To Enable TRIM Support for SSDs, enter the below command in a command prompt.
fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0

To Disable TRIM Support for SSDs, enter the below command in a command prompt.
fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 1

How to manually initiate SCCM Windows Update installation

How to manually initiate SCCM Windows Update installation

1st. Check to see if updates are available to be installed.

  • a. Expand the task bar in the bottom right of the desktop and look for the SCCM Update icon, a white box with a green arrow.
  • b. If there is no SCCM Update Icon in the task bar

i. Click on the Windows Orb (Start) on the desktop

ii. Select “Control Panel”

iii. In the top right of the Control Panel page in the “View by:” row click the blue display type to drop down the view options and select “Category”

iv. On the Adjust your computer’s settings page click “System and Security”

v. On the System and Security page click “Configuration Manager (32-bit)”

vi. In the configuration Manager Properties box click the “Actions” tab

vii. Once on the Actions tab select each of the following four “Actions:” and click the “Initiate Action” button after each selection

  1. Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle
  2. Software Inventory Cycle
  3. Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle
  4. Software Updates Scan Cycle

viii. Click ok to close the Configuration Manager Properties window

ix. Close the Control Panel window

x. Depending on how many updates there are it can take up to an hour for the SCCM Software Update Icon to appear in the task bar

  • c. If the SCCM Update Icon is present in the task bar

i. Double click on the SCCM Software Icon

ii. In the Configuration Manager – Software Update Management popup window leave “Express (Recommended)” selected and click the “Install button”

iii. Once you click the install button the Configuration Manager – Software Update Management window will automatically minimize back to the task bar.

  • d. Once the updates have completed installing a reboot may be required.

i. SCCM will not give the user any notice that the updates have completed installing if no reboot is required to complete the installation.

ii. You do not have to restart immediately however SCCM will notify you that a reboot is needed to complete the installation.


REF 1/27/2016 9:06AM

Certifications and Training

I completed my CompTIA A+ Certification, now its on to the Network+ and ITIL. Then HIT, followed by PMMIs PLC Certification and Security+.

Long term goals Project+, CASP, GSEC, CCNA, and CEH.

I believe I can get all of these this year.

Wish me luck!


All together now CompTIA ( A+, Network+, Security+, HIT, CASP, Project+) GSEC, CCNA, CEH, ITIL, and PMMI PLC.


I like how that looks.

Hide User Accounts Windows 7, 8.1 & 10

Do not hide all your admin accounts!!!

To find what the actual names of accounts are open computer management. Under Computer Management -> System Tools, select the item Local Users and Groups. Double click Users. the value of the first column, "Name".

Open regedit and find

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Create 2 subkeys (SpecialAccounts and UserList) so the path will look like this.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

Create a new DWORD value in the UserList subkey. Use the login name which you noted earlier in Local Users and Groups as the name of the new value you just created. Do not modify its default value, leave it at 0.

To show that account again, just delete the DWORD value you created earlier under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList Registry key. 

Do not hide all your admin accounts!!!

Are computers, as we know it, dead?

There are so many choices for computers these days. I am noticing that many people are under the impression that laptop computers are dead and desktops are an ancient relic. From my experience working at a computer repair/retail store, I can tell you there has been a big shift in sales to mobile computing. There are many companies that are moving to Apple iPads and Microsoft Surfaces. But, no matter how much better the ergonomics and power of computing become, the desktop and laptop following is still very strong.

Ever since I can remember I have had a computer. I had a Windows 3 desktop and a word processor laptop. The word processor was obviously more mobile, but was much more limited than my desktop computer. I also recall the personal digital assistant age as well, and I wonder how anything was accomplished. Watching my father spend precious minutes clicking away at the screen of his Palm V, Fumbling through the slow loading menus and bad formatting. Sitting and waiting 30 mins for the IR to sync with his laptop twice a day, just so he could have a couple contacts added and check off a to-do list. There was always a new gadget popping up and getting handed down to me. The Palm Clie being the epitome of cool for my middle school aged self. Why? You ask. Because this thing was the mother of all modern mobile devices it had an reversible flip folding touch screen and reversible camera … That’s right, the first “high resolution” selfies. It was a cool concept that I loved to show off and talk about when I could steal it away.

There is a new gadget every month now. The Samsung phones come with styluses (God knows why) the screens are curved and sometimes even flexible. A new wave of innovative technology, faster computing, mobility, and ease of use are awaiting you after your next purchase.

First post with Dragon software

This will be my first attempt to use Dragon software to write a blog post. I don’t know if it’s much faster than typing, but it is pretty neat to use. I turn on Google voice thing pretty much do anything I want now. I’ve still got a learn how to use the grammar on this. And I don’t know if it really fix the grammar for on sentences are not however.… Apparently not. Well it’s about time to start working on this page.

Mac Mini Letdown

Checkout the tear down first…

Although some of the hardware is a lot newer and more capable, the fact that apple has made less of the parts user replaceable is a major bummer. The mac mini was a unit that attracted a lot of PC users because of the low price and upgradability.

Let’s face it Macs are slow; they are priced way too high and the old adage that Macs are better for photography and video editing is a bunch of bush. There are several non-linear editing systems that run on Windows. Avid and Adobe are used by many tv and film studios and offer full support for windows. Do Macs support Nvidia Maximus? Nay!!! Do Macs allow you to upgrade GPUs? Nay!!!

xI could go on about macs all night, but I have already gotten too far off topic.

Unless you’re catering to a bunch of 10 year olds; or plan on customers to slap this behind a lcd only to be forgotten a few months later. Then there is absolutely no other use for the Mac Mini than a door stopper.

Kudos Apple… another device that is multipurpose


Nvidia GTX 970 or 980

I’ve wanted to get a new graphics card for quite some time now. I had bought two Gtx 760s and ran them in SLI in my rig. I wasn’t too satisfied with the performance of the cards. There is this little voice in my head that tells me to stay away from SLI together. Well I can’t ever stick to my guns on this matter. One minute I want an EVGA GTX 970 (~$349) the next I want the Gigabyte G1 GTX 980 (~$579). I was appalled just like many other Nvidia fans when I found out that the 970 would not have the specs that were originally put out by Nvidia’s marketing team.

After tons of research and time (I’m sure) wasted. I have come to the conclusion of which card I should choose.


Yes you guessed it the 970… Not just any GTX 970 though. This one has a massive heat sink and a decent back plate. And if you watched the video you heard the guy was pushing around 1500 MHz when it was overclocked. Now I’m not one to overclock a card. But with the boost clock of 1329 MHz and 1664 CUDA Cores, I think I will be able to sleep at night. Those 760s I mentioned earlier are still selling for $299 new (good luck trying to resell them though). When in SLI the 2 760s slightly edged out the 970 on paper, but I have a feeling that the Maxwell architecture will make up for that loss.

Thought of the day

This one struck with my first post on my new blog site…

The virtue of a man ought to be measured, not by his extraordinary exertions, but by his everyday conduct.” – Blaise Pascal

I also happen to like this next quote a lot. It is a great reality check when I am unsure in a situation…

You become what you think about most.. But you also attract what you think about most. (John Assaraf) ” – Rhonda Byrne