Not to be overly cliché, but Hello world!

Well I have talked about it for the last couple of years; I finally decided to create a web page! This is not the first time I have made a page, but it will be the first time that I embark in becoming proficient with the languages used. Realizing how fast the tech industry moves, and how pretty much anyone can make a blog site these days. I decided to make a web presence for myself to set me apart from others. I will be posting many things… I dabble with video editing and photography, so I need a place to show my work. A portfolio if you will. I currently work as a mobile technician for a local computer repair shop. So, you will see a lot of things that either revolve around DIY help or what is new in the industry. Politics, religion, and financials may pop in every once in a while, but only to show the correlation between the ever advancing tech field and the philosophy and structure of old.

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