Nvidia GTX 970 or 980

I’ve wanted to get a new graphics card for quite some time now. I had bought two Gtx 760s and ran them in SLI in my rig. I wasn’t too satisfied with the performance of the cards. There is this little voice in my head that tells me to stay away from SLI together. Well I can’t ever stick to my guns on this matter. One minute I want an EVGA GTX 970 (~$349) the next I want the Gigabyte G1 GTX 980 (~$579). I was appalled just like many other Nvidia fans when I found out that the 970 would not have the specs that were originally put out by Nvidia’s marketing team.

After tons of research and time (I’m sure) wasted. I have come to the conclusion of which card I should choose.


Yes you guessed it the 970… Not just any GTX 970 though. This one has a massive heat sink and a decent back plate. And if you watched the video you heard the guy was pushing around 1500 MHz when it was overclocked. Now I’m not one to overclock a card. But with the boost clock of 1329 MHz and 1664 CUDA Cores, I think I will be able to sleep at night. Those 760s I mentioned earlier are still selling for $299 new (good luck trying to resell them though). When in SLI the 2 760s slightly edged out the 970 on paper, but I have a feeling that the Maxwell architecture will make up for that loss.

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