Tech Announcements

This first video is a quick explanation of Windows 10.

I have customers come in all the time, telling me they “don’t want that windows tablet thing”. Windows 8 (and 8.1) just doesn’t work for a lot of people. There are still people out there using Windows XP… yes I know its not supported anymore, but that’s not the point. A majority of people, whether it be for personal or business, like seemless integration. People don’t want to spend hours re learning how to use the software that they were either A) forced to learn in the first place, because typewriters don’t cut it anymore… or B) accustomed to over years of use. Windows 8 has a clunky interface. The people that do end up buying a windows 8 computer will usually call me and ask if i can install some sort of start menu (Thanks to  Classic Shell I am able to do this). This is why I still offer Windows 7 for the used and custom built computers. Windows 7 support Is projected to end in January 2020. This puts the average PC user at ease, because hardware usually gives out before then.

Windows 10, according to Microsoft, will have a regular start menu if the user has a mouse and keyboard. However, if they are on a tablet platform or phone, the interface will change. Microsoft is calling this feature “Continuum”.
This final video is a bit lengthy, but it is all the big wigs of Microsoft explaining the software.

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